
Showing Posts In: Wordpress

Creating a Facebook App

26 April 2017

There are hundreds of plugins out there which make use of the data provided by Facebook and it’s easy to connect your website to that data.

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Featured Images

5 August 2013

Featured Images are images that perform a special function on the post that is being displayed. They can be used to be displayed in specific areas. The image at the top of this page is a featured image and the theme is created so that this featured image is used to be displayed in that specific area with that specific size.

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Post Thumbnail Editor

3 April 2013

With your custom theme, you may be able to display images in different areas of your site and, more importantly in different sizes, also known as thumbnails. WordPress does its best to create thumbnails which are appropriate but sometimes you’ll need to manually amend where WordPress crops an image so that it displays exactly as you need it.

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Creating Posts

26 January 2013

If you WordPress theme has come with some blog functionality you’ll no doubt wish to know how to start blogging. WordPress was originally designed a platform for blogging but as time has gone on, a lot more functionality has been added making it a fully function Content Management System.

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Publish Settings

26 January 2013

After you have created or edited a post, there are number of options you have with regards to what you do with the post when you have finished.

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